
by TROMF Software



Cruce is a card game that can be played individually or in teams, in real time

Cruce is played with an Hungarian deck of cards. (which contains 32 cards but only 24 will be used)The game is pretty much like schnapsen (known as sixty-six)A much more detailed tutorial can be found inside the application.Players have the opportunity to play in real time, in teams and against other real players or robots.- can play with or without IBER.- can accept cheating and penalties with -3, or cheating can be disabled.- can accumulate points and prizes.At the end of each season, a championship is organized to decide the champion.We invite you to play, and more than that, to chat with us and to join our communities

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Ati facut un mare CÃCAT la ultimul update nu mai poti juca table cu o persoana reala iti intra numai boți

Adrian Suciu

Jumate din ecran e reclama!

Vlad Hadarean

Foarte multi folosesc ceva cheat-uri. Ma refer la faptul ca adversarii stiu exact cine duce mana.

Sebastian Cojocaru

Ce ați fost si ce ați ajuns!!

Andrei Urian

Nu e corect jocu'. Jucatorii stiu cand sa de cu asul inainte sa scoata tromfii, ei stiu sigur ca tu ai culoarea care o cer cu asul si multe alte chestii.

Gale Cristian

The fact that my previous comment was deleted says a lot about you. I know the app is free now but when I installed it some 2 years ago I paid £3 for it. So if you don't stop with your adds you could refund me


Faceți ceva cu cercul de scurgere a timpului,mai explicit: când este rândul meu să dau cartea,cercul de scurgere a timpului este poziționat chiar dedesubtul coechipierului si mi s-a întâmplat de foarte multe ori sa stau sa ma uit crezând ca e rândul coechipierului sa deie cartea jos cand de fapt era randul meu. Mutați cerculețul de timp in dreptul fiecarui jucator sau faceți-l mai distinctiv!

Raileanu Adrian Constantin

Cea mai super aplicatie de cruce ➕ mai ales cand nu.ti face nime'cartile... 🙈 🤣 🔝

Isa Sweet


8X Raul

Not much of an app. Requires dumb facebook acount.

Kauli, Raindrop and Chuck!